Thursday, December 14, 2006

The end of Advanced Photography

Well, Advanced Photography is done.  I'm awaiting my grade in the class, but I am not to worried about it.

We had our final on Monday night and turned in our 'Portfolio'.  Our Portfolio consisted of 10 pictures (divided between 2 categories or genre's of photography).  I choose Architecture and Commercial photography as my two categories.  I used previously taken pictures for my Architecture shots and took new pictures for the commercial shots.  You can checkout my photos for this at Flickr.

I am currently unsure if I am going to take a course this next semester.  There are some interesting things that are happening in my life right now that will determine my schedule for the spring.  I will update this more as it develops.

Also my plan for this next year is to attempt to do a "Photograph a Day" to document my journey through photography.

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